Iowa Bibliophiles: Keats Among the Private Press Printers
Wednesday, May 12, 2021 7:00pm to 8:00pm
Keats Among the Private Press Printers
Join Associate Professor from Illinois State University and co-founder of the Keats Letter Project, Brian Rejack as he talks about the private press movement in England at the end of the nineteenth century, examining what it tells us about the Victorian reception of John Keats.
While no claims can be made toward quantitative over-representation of Keats’s works in the productions of private presses like the Kelmscott Press, Doves Press, and Vale Press...
Graduation Ceremony and Celebration
Friday, May 7, 2021 6:00pm
We will be celebrating the Class of 2021 on Friday, May 7th at 6pm CDT. Bring a drink to your computer and help us toast these amazing students!
Please go here, https://book.grad.uiowa.edu/2021_Ceremony, for the zoom link and information.
Their virtual MFA shows can be found here: https://book.grad.uiowa.edu/MFA_Show_2021

UICB Japanese Papermaking Festival
Friday, April 30, 2021 12:30pm to 4:30pm
Join the UICB community at the Oakdale Paper Research Facility for an afternoon celebrating Japanese papermaking. This event coincides with the festival to the papermaking goddess held in Echizen, Japan, a tradition that has continued for over a millennium. This free event will be held outdoors and will feature hands-on Japanese papermaking / paper-related activities and a gallery filled with UICB student, faculty, and community artworks utilizing washi (Japanese paper). Masks required to attend...

Diptych: A Book Artists' & Writers' Reading Series!
Wednesday, April 28, 2021 7:00pm
Please join the UICB at the Spring Diptych Reading. Diptych is a biannual collaborative reading series between the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and the University of Iowa Center for the Book that strives to highlight the intersections of visual poetry and artists’ books. By offering readings and work samples in a cross-disciplinary framework, we hope to build community and establish shared common ground as artists in a world where the line between visual and language arts grows increasingly blurry...
Spring 2021 MFA Thesis Shows
Monday, April 19, 2021 5:00pm
Virtual Gallery Walkthroughs
Click on the links below to go to video walkthroughs of our Spring 2021 MFA shows. We will add a new show each week!
Rich Dana - Cheap Copies! Cheap Copies! Mimeograph, hectograph, and spirit duplication
Robert Henderson - gender, race, and the hyper-sexualization IN between
María Carolina Ceballos - Cantos
Video flip through of artist books: Fragmentos de lluvia and Un Libro
Sarah Schlosser - The Body has Memory
Sara Luz Jensen - delaying...

Saturdays at the Stanley - Japanese Woodblock Prints
Saturday, April 10, 2021 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Check out how Japanese artists used multiple woodblocks to make color prints. See the blocks and the resulting print.
This event will be led by Assistant Registrar Sarah Luko, who is a practicing artist and holds an MFA from the UI Center for the Book.
Join us on Zoom: https://uiowa.zoom.us/j/95295413559
Saturdays at the Stanley brings the museum’s collection to audiences in a casual, fun, and interactive atmosphere. Each event has a theme that looks at our artwork from a different...

Stanley Creates: Star Accordion Book
Saturday, February 27, 2021 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Participants will learn how to fold an accordion book that expands into many stars when opened. Lauren Linahon will guide kids through folding and assembling their books and offer individualized help throughout the process. Kids can then illustrate the books and write their own stories.
Stanley Creates is an interactive program for children and teens to learn artmaking techniques using everyday materials. Taking inspiration from the museum’s collection, participants will play with materials to...

Cantos: María Carolina Ceballos Thesis Show and Artist Talk
Thursday, February 25, 2021 6:30pm
3rd year MFA candidate María Carolina Ceballos will give an artist talk on her thesis show, "Cantos." Please join María Carolina and the UICB in celebrating her work.
Performance Video

Iowa Bibliophiles: Children’s Lit is Serious Business
Wednesday, February 10, 2021 7:00pm to 8:00pm
Children's Lit is Serious Business
Children's books have a storied history. In the past, children were taught to read the Bible and texts that illustrated the importance of leading virtuous lives; today, publishing for children is big business, as the blockbuster success of Harry Potter and other titles show.
The path from the Puritans’ hornbooks and the Sunday School literature of the 19th century to recent best-sellers illuminates the changing status of children and the books written for...

Diptych: A Book Artists' & Writers' Reading Series
Friday, November 13, 2020 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Zoom Event Link
Amy Childress (MFA candidate at the University of Iowa Center for the Book) and Ethan Heusser (Adjunct Assistant Professor of Creative Writing) are excited to announce the return of Diptych: A Book Artists' & Writers' Reading Series! Diptych is a biannual collaborative reading series between the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and the University of Iowa Center for the Book that strives to highlight the intersections of visual poetry and artists’ books. By offering readings and work...

Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 Read-A-Thon
Saturday, September 5 to Saturday, September 19, 2020 (all day)
On Saturday, Aug. 22, 2020, the University of Iowa Libraries will partner with national organizations to present the first annual Ray Bradbury Read-A-Thon. During this four-hour online event, a diverse group of celebrities and Bradbury experts, including Peter Balestrieri, curator of science fiction and popular culture collections at the University of Iowa Libraries Special Collections & Archives, will present a virtual reading of Bradbury’s classic novel Fahrenheit 451 streamed over YouTube...

Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 Read-A-Thon
Friday, September 4 to Saturday, September 19, 2020 (all day)
On Saturday, Aug. 22, 2020, the University of Iowa Libraries will partner with national organizations to present the first annual Ray Bradbury Read-A-Thon. During this four-hour online event, a diverse group of celebrities and Bradbury experts, including Peter Balestrieri, curator of science fiction and popular culture collections at the University of Iowa Libraries Special Collections & Archives, will present a virtual reading of Bradbury’s classic novel Fahrenheit 451 streamed over YouTube...

Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 Read-A-Thon
Thursday, September 3 to Saturday, September 19, 2020 (all day)
On Saturday, Aug. 22, 2020, the University of Iowa Libraries will partner with national organizations to present the first annual Ray Bradbury Read-A-Thon. During this four-hour online event, a diverse group of celebrities and Bradbury experts, including Peter Balestrieri, curator of science fiction and popular culture collections at the University of Iowa Libraries Special Collections & Archives, will present a virtual reading of Bradbury’s classic novel Fahrenheit 451 streamed over YouTube...

Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 Read-A-Thon
Wednesday, September 2 to Saturday, September 19, 2020 (all day)
On Saturday, Aug. 22, 2020, the University of Iowa Libraries will partner with national organizations to present the first annual Ray Bradbury Read-A-Thon. During this four-hour online event, a diverse group of celebrities and Bradbury experts, including Peter Balestrieri, curator of science fiction and popular culture collections at the University of Iowa Libraries Special Collections & Archives, will present a virtual reading of Bradbury’s classic novel Fahrenheit 451 streamed over YouTube...

Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 Read-A-Thon
Tuesday, September 1 to Saturday, September 19, 2020 (all day)
On Saturday, Aug. 22, 2020, the University of Iowa Libraries will partner with national organizations to present the first annual Ray Bradbury Read-A-Thon. During this four-hour online event, a diverse group of celebrities and Bradbury experts, including Peter Balestrieri, curator of science fiction and popular culture collections at the University of Iowa Libraries Special Collections & Archives, will present a virtual reading of Bradbury’s classic novel Fahrenheit 451 streamed over YouTube...

Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 Read-A-Thon
Monday, August 31 to Saturday, September 19, 2020 (all day)
On Saturday, Aug. 22, 2020, the University of Iowa Libraries will partner with national organizations to present the first annual Ray Bradbury Read-A-Thon. During this four-hour online event, a diverse group of celebrities and Bradbury experts, including Peter Balestrieri, curator of science fiction and popular culture collections at the University of Iowa Libraries Special Collections & Archives, will present a virtual reading of Bradbury’s classic novel Fahrenheit 451 streamed over YouTube...

Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 Read-A-Thon
Sunday, August 30 to Saturday, September 19, 2020 (all day)
On Saturday, Aug. 22, 2020, the University of Iowa Libraries will partner with national organizations to present the first annual Ray Bradbury Read-A-Thon. During this four-hour online event, a diverse group of celebrities and Bradbury experts, including Peter Balestrieri, curator of science fiction and popular culture collections at the University of Iowa Libraries Special Collections & Archives, will present a virtual reading of Bradbury’s classic novel Fahrenheit 451 streamed over YouTube...

Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 Read-A-Thon
Saturday, August 29 to Saturday, September 19, 2020 (all day)
On Saturday, Aug. 22, 2020, the University of Iowa Libraries will partner with national organizations to present the first annual Ray Bradbury Read-A-Thon. During this four-hour online event, a diverse group of celebrities and Bradbury experts, including Peter Balestrieri, curator of science fiction and popular culture collections at the University of Iowa Libraries Special Collections & Archives, will present a virtual reading of Bradbury’s classic novel Fahrenheit 451 streamed over YouTube...

Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 Read-A-Thon
Friday, August 28 to Saturday, September 19, 2020 (all day)
On Saturday, Aug. 22, 2020, the University of Iowa Libraries will partner with national organizations to present the first annual Ray Bradbury Read-A-Thon. During this four-hour online event, a diverse group of celebrities and Bradbury experts, including Peter Balestrieri, curator of science fiction and popular culture collections at the University of Iowa Libraries Special Collections & Archives, will present a virtual reading of Bradbury’s classic novel Fahrenheit 451 streamed over YouTube...

Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 Read-A-Thon
Thursday, August 27 to Saturday, September 19, 2020 (all day)
On Saturday, Aug. 22, 2020, the University of Iowa Libraries will partner with national organizations to present the first annual Ray Bradbury Read-A-Thon. During this four-hour online event, a diverse group of celebrities and Bradbury experts, including Peter Balestrieri, curator of science fiction and popular culture collections at the University of Iowa Libraries Special Collections & Archives, will present a virtual reading of Bradbury’s classic novel Fahrenheit 451 streamed over YouTube...

Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 Read-A-Thon
Wednesday, August 26 to Saturday, September 19, 2020 (all day)
On Saturday, Aug. 22, 2020, the University of Iowa Libraries will partner with national organizations to present the first annual Ray Bradbury Read-A-Thon. During this four-hour online event, a diverse group of celebrities and Bradbury experts, including Peter Balestrieri, curator of science fiction and popular culture collections at the University of Iowa Libraries Special Collections & Archives, will present a virtual reading of Bradbury’s classic novel Fahrenheit 451 streamed over YouTube...

Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 Read-A-Thon
Tuesday, August 25 to Saturday, September 19, 2020 (all day)
On Saturday, Aug. 22, 2020, the University of Iowa Libraries will partner with national organizations to present the first annual Ray Bradbury Read-A-Thon. During this four-hour online event, a diverse group of celebrities and Bradbury experts, including Peter Balestrieri, curator of science fiction and popular culture collections at the University of Iowa Libraries Special Collections & Archives, will present a virtual reading of Bradbury’s classic novel Fahrenheit 451 streamed over YouTube...

Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 Read-A-Thon
Monday, August 24 to Saturday, September 19, 2020 (all day)
On Saturday, Aug. 22, 2020, the University of Iowa Libraries will partner with national organizations to present the first annual Ray Bradbury Read-A-Thon. During this four-hour online event, a diverse group of celebrities and Bradbury experts, including Peter Balestrieri, curator of science fiction and popular culture collections at the University of Iowa Libraries Special Collections & Archives, will present a virtual reading of Bradbury’s classic novel Fahrenheit 451 streamed over YouTube...

Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 Read-A-Thon
Sunday, August 23 to Saturday, September 19, 2020 (all day)
On Saturday, Aug. 22, 2020, the University of Iowa Libraries will partner with national organizations to present the first annual Ray Bradbury Read-A-Thon. During this four-hour online event, a diverse group of celebrities and Bradbury experts, including Peter Balestrieri, curator of science fiction and popular culture collections at the University of Iowa Libraries Special Collections & Archives, will present a virtual reading of Bradbury’s classic novel Fahrenheit 451 streamed over YouTube...