PhD in English with Book Studies Specialization

This specialization streamlines English PhD requirements so that students may attain in a timely manner both their PhD in English and a Graduate Certificate in book arts, studies, and technologies from the University of Iowa Center for the Book. 

PhD in English with Book Studies Specialization


All English Ph.D. students in the English must complete 51 SH in graded courses at the 3000 level or above. 

For those pursuing the Book Studies Certificate, 24 SH must be in English courses at the 5000-level or above. 

At least 15 of the 51 SH in graded courses must be in Center for the Book courses at the 4000-level or above. Of the 15sh of courses in the Center for the Book, 3 SH must be in studio practice, and 3 must be in scholarly inquiry or material analysis (see UICB Course Definitions below). 

That leaves a required 12 SH in graded courses at the 3000-level or above which may be taken in other departments or in English (5000 level).

All English department distribution, seminar, and language requirements apply to this track. 

UICB Course Offering Definitions

Studio practice: art and craft courses in printing, binding, papermaking, calligraphy, and digital design

Scholarly inquiry: research- and writing-based courses on the history and culture of books (from English, History, Art History, and Library Sciences departments)

Material analysis: courses in the anatomy and physique of books, often in concert with Special Collections

Joint English PhD plus UICB Certificate Credit Distribution

51 credit hours at 3000 level or above

24 of those in English at 5000 level or above

15 in the UICB at 4000 level or above

  • Required: 3 credit hours in studio practice; 3 credit hours in scholarly inquiry or material analysis
  • 9 remaining hours elected from UICB courses, some of which are cross-listed with English Department courses

9 credit hours while comping

12 credit hours in directed study while dissertating

= 72 credit hours total

Choosing the specialization and adding the certificate

When the student decides to pursue the Book Studies specialization, they should email the English Department Graduate Coordinator that they will be pursuing the Book Studies Specialization, English Department Admin will process a Change of Status form through the Graduate College to add the Book Studies/Book Arts and Technologies certificate as a Plan of Study. Kathleen Tandy can be listed as advisor and graduate coordinator, please also add Kathleen as an approver for the form.  

The student should use the UICB Certificate within English PhD Plan of Coursework to track their progress in the certificate. When they register for their final UICB course, they should reach out to their UICB advisor to indicate that they are planning to complete the requirements in the next session. 

The UICB will process a certificate completion form with the Graduate College after receiving the completed UICB Certificate within English PhD Plan of Coursework form.