UICB at the Iowa City Book Festival
Friday, July 13 7:00pm to Saturday, July 14, 2012 5:00pm
UI Center for the Book will be participating the third annual Iowa City Book Festival with demonstrations and tours.
On Friday, July 13th the UICB will be the Literary Carnival at the Hotel Vetro. We will be printing cards and sewing books. For more information about getting tickets for the carnival go here. On Saturday, July 14th we will be giving demonstrations in the Activity Tent on the Pentacrest. Stop by between 1-5 to print your own bookplate and marble some paper.
More information...

Visiting Artist Richard Flavin
Friday, June 22, 2012 4:30pm
Join us on Friday, June 22nd at 4:30pm in Room W55 Chemistry Building for an artist lecture with Richard Flavin. Richard will talk about his life in Japan, accompanied by a DVD presentation. Examples of finished artworks will be on display including prints, books, collages and recent kamiko garments which were made in collaboration with Indian artisans and Richard’s wife Ryoko Haraguchi.
Richard Flavin is a native of Boston, Massachusetts, where he graduated from the Art Institute of Boston...

Artist Talk with Julia Büttelmann
Thursday, June 21, 2012 3:30am
Julia Büttelmann’s objects designed in cardboard are small productions ‘of a somewhat different taste’. (From the Berlin newspaper Berliner Zeitung). The artist cultivates the supposedly banal material of cardboard by removing its conventionality with the unexpected in a most artistic manner. Continuing the tradition of bookbinding with perfect workmanship she goes beyond this and combines ideas and materials to arrive at scurrile but aesthetic forms of expression.
Julia will present a talk at...
Unfolding Structure
Friday, May 4, 2012 5:00pm to 7:00pm
UI Center for the Book Exhibition
Unfolding Structure - A UI Center for the Book Exhibition
On display at Public Space One May 1st –15th
Located in the basement of the Jefferson Building
129 E Washington St, Iowa City, IA
Opening Reception: May 4th from 5 –7pm
During First Friday Gallery Walk
UI Center for the Book Exhibition
Please also join us on Saturday, May 12th from 1-4pm at Public Space One for an all ages book arts workshop. During this hands-on workshop, participants will learn...

Leah Price to give 2012 Brownell Lecture
Thursday, April 19, 2012 7:30pm to 9:30pm
Force-Reading in Victorian Britain
Leah Price is Professor of English and Chair of the History and Literature program at Harvard University. She teaches the novel, eighteenth- and nineteenth-century British culture, narrative theory, gender studies, and the history of books and reading. Price is Humanities Program Director at the Radcliffe Institute; she also co-directs the faculty seminar on the History of the Book at the Harvard Humanities Center.
Her books include The Anthology and the...

Surface Decoration on Books – 3D Attachments a workshop with Barb Korbel Friday, Saturday, Sunday, April 13-15
Friday, April 13 4:00pm to Sunday, April 15, 2012 5:00pm
Surface Decoration on Books – 3D Attachments a workshop with Barb Korbel Friday, Saturday, Sunday, April 13-15
Friday: 4-7, Saturday & Sunday,10-5
16 North Hall, University of Iowa, Iowa City
Object making and surface decoration are activities that evolved side by side. Throughout history as objects were made, marks identifying the maker or the owner or simply to beautify the surface were added. In the case of books and bookbinding, the earliest known western codex is adorned. In fact, the...

Vamp and Tramp Booksellers in Special Collections
Wednesday, April 11, 2012 9:30am to 12:00pm
Vamp and Tramp Booksellers will be in the Special Collections classroom in the Main Library on Wednesday, April 11th. They will be showing off the books in their collections from 9:30am - Noon. Stop by to see what they have in their holdings.

Japanese Hand Papermaking in the 21st Century - A Lecture with Paul Denhoed
Wednesday, March 21, 2012 7:30pm
Please join us for two presentations by paper specialist and UI graduate Paul Denhoed
Wednesday March 21st
7:30PM, 116 Art Building West
Japanese Hand Papermaking in the 21st Century
(additional details below)
Thursday March 22nd
1:00PM, Room 29, North Hall
The Echizen Paper Festival
Japanese Hand Papermaking in the 21st Century
This lecture will give an overview of the trends, practices, projects, and individuals that have the potential to impact the survival of the 1300-year...

Karen Randall—Artist Talk Thursday, March 8
Thursday, March 8, 2012 12:30pm to 1:30pm
Join the UICB for a lunchtime artist presentation by Karen Randall of Propolis Press and Least Weasel Chapbooks. Karen will discuss her work and current projects on Thursday, March 8, 12:30-1:30 p.m., in Room 215 North Hall.
All are welcome to attend.
About Karen Randall:
Propolis Press was established by Karen Randall in 2001 for the purpose of printing fine letterpress artists books with poetry by innovative, contemporary authors. The philosophy of Propolis Press is that there should be no...

Paper Trail - Recent works by UICB Students at RSVP
Friday, March 2, 2012 5:00pm to 8:00pm
Downtown Iowa City hosts the next Gallery Walk on Friday, March 2 from 5-8pm. Gallery Walk takes place at locations around the downtown Iowa City area. Gallery Walks are scheduled for March, June and October and are self-guided, free, family-friendly and open to the public. Maps are available at each location. Stop by RSVP to see some recent work by UICB students.

UICB students to exhibit at the Bakery Gallery in Davenport, IA
Friday, February 24, 2012 4:00pm to 6:00pm
“A Delicate Sequence of Analog Tangents” – A book arts exhibition featuring UICB graduate students and affiliates opens on February 24th at the Bakery Gallery at 1330 E. 12th St. Davenport, IA. A collaborative presentation by UICB students Karen Carcia, Jill Kambs, Cody Geiselman, and Kalmia Strong, will begin the evening at the Galvin Fine Arts Center at 4pm. The opening at the gallery begins at 6pm. The exhibit will be up through April 21st.

Stewart to deliver UI Presidential Lecture
Sunday, February 12, 2012 3:30pm
When he set off for college, a young Garrett Stewart was sure he was going to be an architect.
Stewart had always been interested in the visual aspects of the field, “but I discovered in my first design class that I couldn’t think in 3-D,” he says. “Nowadays, of course, you can have a computer do that for you.” So, the frustrated freshman transferred to his other interest area, English, and it’s been his life’s work ever since.
Stewart, the James O. Freeman Professor of Letters in the...

UI Center for the Book Open House
Friday, December 9, 2011 4:30pm to 6:30pm
UI Center for the Book
Open House
Friday, December 9
4:30-6:30 PM
Ground Floor of North Hall
New Work, Refreshments, Demonstrations

MIX UP - Photographer/Book Artist Collaborations Reception
Thursday, December 8, 2011 8:00pm to 10:00pm
Please join us on Thursday, December 8th from 8-10 pm at the Times Club in Prairie Lights Bookstore to celebrate recent collaborations between the Graduate Photography Workshop in the School of Art and Art History and and the Graduate Book Arts Workshop at the University of Iowa Center for the Book.
The books and prints from collaborations are on display in the Times Club from Friday, December 2nd through Monday, December 12th.
This unique interdisciplinary initiative was co-sponored by...
Type Specimens: An Exhibition of Final Projects from the University of Iowa Center for the Book & MIX UP - Photographer/Book Artist Collaborations
Thursday, December 8, 2011 5:00pm to 7:00pm
You are most cordially invited to an evening of defaced library books, exploding sharks, and cyanide-laced STDs:
Type Specimens: An Exhibition of Final Projects from the University of Iowa Center for the Book
Lindsey Beal's petri dishes filled with cyanotypes of STD bacteria
Amelia Bird's book of Walden marginalia
and Kendra Greene's broadsides about museums
in a sympathetic setting

Ken Botnick on how experience can influence craft
Friday, October 28, 2011 4:30pm
Influences and Ingenuities: how we remake ourselves, one book at a time.
Reviewing his books from the last 10 years, Ken Botnick will discuss how the influence of working in India has shaped what he is doing today and how he sees his work progressing into the future. He will discuss direct outcomes, his recent publications, as well as working methods, both of which have been affected by his experiences in India.
Ken Botnick has been printing and publishing works in limited edition for over 25...

Ida Beam visit by Professor Elaine Treharne
Tuesday, October 18 2:00pm to Thursday, October 20, 2011 5:00pm
Elaine Treharne, Professor of English at Florida State University, is a major scholar of medieval English literature, familiar to many from her important Blackwell collection of primary texts, Old and Middle English: An Anthology (Blackwell, 2000; now in a third edition, 2009) and as co-editor of The Blackwell Companion to Old English Literature (Blackwell, 2001), Reading Medieval Literature (Oxford UP, 2005), and now The Oxford Handbook of Medieval Literature in English (Oxford UP, 2010). Her...

Visiting artist Tatiana Ginsberg will be at the UI Center for the Book Oct. 7–10
Friday, October 7 5:30pm to Monday, October 10, 2011 10:30am
Visiting artist Tatiana Ginsberg will be at the UI Center for the Book Oct. 7–10.
Friday, Oct. 7, 5:30 p.m., Ms Ginsberg will give an artists’ talk on her artwork and career E105 AJB.
Saturday & Sunday, Oct. 8 & 9: “Japanese Natural Colorants for Paper”; a workshop at the Oakdale Paper facility. For information on visiting the workshop, please contact Julie Leonard – julia-leonard@uiowa.edu.
Monday, Oct. 10 10:30 a.m., 29 North Hall: Informal talk on her research while on a Fulbright...

Creative Book Design: A Workshop and Talk by Craig Yoe
Thursday, October 6, 2011 2:30pm to 3:30pm
Craig Yoe will be visiting campus as part of the Comics, Creativity, and Culture Symposium at the UI from October 6-8. Yoe will be discussing his work as a bookmaker and graphic designer in a talk at the UICB papermaking classroom in 29 North Hall. Yoe has worked as an independent publisher of classic comic reprints and newer comics work. He is also a successful graphic designer with clients in the corporate and small business world. More information about Yoe is available here [www.yoe.com] and...

The UI Center for the Book's Mitchell Lecture in the Art of the Book presents Matthew Carter
Thursday, September 29, 2011 7:30pm
Genuine Imitations: A Type Designer Looks at Revivals
Senior critic at Yale University's School of Art and 2010 MacArthur "genius" award recipient, Matthew Carter is one of the world's foremost type designers. The creator of, among others, Verdana, Georgia, Bell Centennial, Snell Roundhand, and Tahoma, Carter is an eloquent and distinguished artist and craftsperson, with a deep knowledge of the history of letterforms. In his recent book Just My Type, Simon Garfield explains that Carter's "work...

Kyle Durrie and Moveable Type
Wednesday, August 24, 2011 3:00pm to 7:00pm
Kyle Durrie and Moveable Type
Wed., Aug. 24, 3 pm to 7 pm
207 Linn St., outside of Home Ec
Kyle Durrie, the head of Power and Light Press in Portland, Oregon, has built a fully functional letterpress print shop into the back of a 1982 Chevy truck. Funded by a Kickstarter grant, Durrie is on a 9-month excursion across the country to demonstrate letterpress printing and teach workshops at schools, farmers’ markets, universities, community centers, parties, and any other interested venue...

Coming attractions, Fall 2011
Monday, August 22 to Friday, December 16, 2011 (all day)
The UICB has an exciting roster of visiting artists and speakers for the autumn, including world-renowned type designer Matthew Carter, printer and publisher Ken Botnick, paper artist Tatiana Ginsberg, and medievalist Elaine Treharne from Florida State University. Stay tuned to the UICB website for further details!