Academic Policies   

This course is given by the UI Center for the Book within the Graduate College. This means that class policies on matters such as requirements, grading, and sanctions for academic dishonesty are governed by the Graduate College Manual of Rules and Regulations ( Students wishing to add or drop this course after the official deadline must receive approval of the Dean of the Graduate College.  

UICB Classroom Expectations  

Students are expected to comply with University policies regarding appropriate classroom behavior as outlined in the Code of Student Life. While students have the right to express themselves and participate freely in class, it is expected that students will behave with the same level of courtesy and respect in the virtual class setting (whether asynchronous or synchronous) as they would in an in-person classroom. Failure to follow behavior expectations as outlined in theCode of Student Life may be addressed by the instructor and may also result in discipline under the Code of Student Life policies governing E.5 Disruptive Behavior or E.6 Failure to Comply with University Directive.  

Members of our community are expected to be honest and respectful of others in all UICB settings. This includes contributing to a climate in which all community members feel personally safe, listened to, valued, and treated with fairness and respect. When interacting with fellow students, faculty, and staff (in the classroom, studios, during critiques or discussion), approach the ideas, scholarship, and creative work of others with respect, and treat others in a manner that reflects that respect and that in no way discriminates against, intimidates, or harasses others. Respect for others also means making use of studio spaces and equipment with care and without unnecessary interruption or disruption to others sharing the space.    

In the classroom, show empathy and respect when critiquing your peers or encountering new art works or ideas. Students may encounter materials that touch on deeply felt emotions and/or closely held personal beliefs. This can result in upsetting reactions or interpersonal conflict. Commit to working through any such conflicts and challenges with open and respectful communication. Avoid harsh, rude, or personal attacks, and instead focus on the work itself and attempts to appreciate the effort and intention of the work. Listen to others without interruption; ask questions that may help to clarify rather than negatively reacting to a comment or new perspective.  

UICB Studio Policies  

It is the responsibility of each student taking a UICB course to help maintain general cleanliness and order in the studio classrooms. Always clean up after yourself and leave the studio spaces cleaner than you found them.   

Before using UICB Studios, all students must read and sign the UICB Studio Policies and Studio Contract. Please read the full UICB Studio Policies and link to sign the UICB Studio Contract here:  

Please see the full UICB Studio Policies here:   

Complaint Procedures   

A student who has a complaint against any member of the college’s teaching staff is responsible for following procedures. The student should first attempt to resolve the issue with the faculty member or the teaching assistant involved. Lacking a satisfactory outcome, the student can turn to the Director of the Center for the Book, Sara Langworthy, (, 335-0447). If a satisfactory resolution remains unmet, the student may contact the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the Graduate College. If the complaint concerns a teaching assistant, the student should contact the supervising faculty member first, then speak to the UICB Director, and lastly approach the Graduate College.  

Plagiarism and Cheating   

You are expected to be honest and honorable in your fulfillment of assignments and in test-taking situations. Plagiarism and cheating are serious forms of academic misconduct. An instructor who suspects a student of plagiarism or cheating must inform the student (in writing) as soon as possible after the incident has been observed or discovered. Instructors who detect cheating or plagiarism may decide, in consultation with the departmental chair, to reduce the student’s grade on the assignment or the course, even to assign an F. If the plagiarism is deemed sufficiently egregious that expulsion from the program is warranted, the student will be terminated from the UICB for reasons of plagiarism. In either case, the instructor will write an account of the chronology of the plagiarism or cheating incident for the departmental chair, who will send an endorsement of the written report of the case to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the Graduate College.  

Free Speech and Expression  

The University of Iowa supports and upholds the First Amendment protection of freedom of speech and the principles of academic and artistic freedom. We are committed to open inquiry, vigorous debate, and creative expression inside and outside of the classroom. Visit the Free Speech at Iowa website for more information on the university’s policies on free speech and academic freedom.  

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities  

The University is committed to providing an educational experience that is accessible to all. If a student has a diagnosed disability or other disabling condition that may impact the student’s ability to complete the course requirements as stated in the syllabus, the student may seek accommodations through Student Disability Services (SDS). SDS is responsible for making Letters of Accommodation (LOA) available. The student must provide a LOA to the instructor as early in the semester as possible, but requests not made at least two weeks prior to the scheduled activity for which an accommodation is sought may not be accommodated. The LOA will specify what reasonable course accommodations the student is eligible for and those the instructor should provide. Additional information can be found on the SDS website. 

Absences for Religious Holy Days  

The University is prepared to make reasonable accommodations for students whose religious holy days coincide with their classroom assignments, test schedules, and classroom attendance expectations.  Students must notify their instructors in writing of any such Religious Holy Day conflicts or absences within the first few days of the semester or session, and no later than the third week of the semester. If the conflict or absence will occur within the first three weeks of the semester, the student should notify the instructor as soon as possible. See Policy Manual 8.2 Absences for Religious Holy Days for additional information.    

Non-discrimination Statement  

The University of Iowa prohibits discrimination in employment, educational programs, and activities on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, pregnancy, disability, genetic information, status as a U.S. veteran, service in the U.S. military, sexual orientation, gender identity, associational preferences, or any other classification that deprives the person of consideration as an individual. The university also affirms its commitment to providing equal opportunities and equal access to university facilities. For additional information on nondiscrimination policies, contact the Director, Office of Civil Rights and Compliance, the University of Iowa, 202 Jessup Hall, Iowa City, IA 52242-1316, 319-335-0705, Students may share their pronouns and chosen/preferred names in MYUI, which is accessible to instructors and advisors.  

Sexual Harassment/Sexual Misconduct and Supportive Measures  

The University of Iowa prohibits all forms of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, and related retaliation. The Policy on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct governs actions by students, faculty, staff and visitors. Incidents of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct can be reported to the Title IX and Gender Equity unit within the Office of Civil Rights Compliance (OCRC)or to the Department of Public Safety. Students impacted by sexual harassment or sexual misconduct may be eligible for academic supportive measures and can learn more by contacting the Title IX and Gender Equity Office. Information about confidential resources can be found here. Watch the video for an explanation of these resources.  

Mental Health  

Students are encouraged to be mindful of their mental health and seek help as a preventive measure or if feeling overwhelmed and/or struggling to meet course expectations. Students are encouraged to talk to their instructor for assistance with specific class-related concerns. For additional support and counseling, students are encouraged to contact University Counseling Service (UCS). Information about UCS, including resources and how to schedule an appointment, can be found at Find out more about UI mental health services at:  

Conflict Resolution 

The Office of the Ombudsperson is a confidential, impartial, informal, and independent resource for any member of the university community with a problem or concern. The Office of the Ombudsperson offers a safe place to discuss conflicts or concerns. Students are encouraged to reach out for assistance. The office will work with students to help identify options, answer any questions, and provide referrals to other offices as appropriate. More information about the Office of the Ombudsperson, including how to schedule an appointment, can be found at   

Basic Needs and Support for Students  

Student Care & Assistance provides assistance to University of Iowa students experiencing a variety of crisis and emergency situations, including but not limited to medical issues, family emergencies, unexpected challenges, and sourcing basic needs such as food and shelter.  More information on the resources related to basic needs can be found at: Students are encouraged to contact Student Care & Assistance in the Office of the Dean of Students (Room 135 IMU,, or 319-335-1162) for support and assistance with resources.  

Sharing of Class Recordings  

Students may be enrolled in a class where some sessions will be recorded or live-streamed. Such recordings/streaming will only be available to students registered for the class. These recordings are the intellectual property of the faculty, and they may not be shared or reproduced without the explicit, written consent of the faculty member. Further, students may not share these sessions with those not in the class or upload them to any other online environment. Doing so would be a breach of the Code of Student Conduct, and, in some cases, a violation of state and federal law, including the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).