Each year financial aid in the form of Graduate Assistantships (GAs), Fellowships, and Scholarships is a moving target with a number of factors at play. They include available support, more deserving students than we have funding for, the needs of the program, and our desire to spread the limited support around in as fair a way as possible. The amount and type of support one year cannot be interpreted as a promise of funding—or funding type—the next year (excepting multi-year fellowships like the Olson or the Iowa Arts Fellowship). Superior performance as a GA or as a Fellowship recipient does not ensure the award will be renewed for a second or third year as we routinely work to provide support to other qualified students too. Please bear these realities in mind as you progress through the program and feel free to contact your advisor if you have any related questions. Also, be sure to attend to GA positions available outside of the UICB posted on the Graduate College website https://grad.uiowa.edu/funding/graduate-assistantships-and-loans/graduate-assistantships and any possible funding available through the Office of Financial Aid at https://financialaid.uiowa.edu/. Note that in the case of UICB funding award recipients who later receive additional support from other sources, the UICB reserves the right to rescind the original UICB support so that another deserving student can be supported.