The Center for Book had a large presence at the College Book Art Association’s 4th Biennial Conference held at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. Four faculty members and a host of students and graduates attended, including Jocelyn Webb Pedersen, a 1998 Graduate Certificate recipient now teaching at Occidental College in Los Angeles, CA. The Conference was very well attended and full of strong and inventive programming.
Eight UICB Faculty, MFA Students and recent MFA graduates had work in the juried members’ exhibition, “Presentation, Publication, Installation.” Steph Rue, MFA Candidate and Islam Aly MFA Graduate and PhD Candidate won student awards. Faculty member Sara Langworthy’s book, New Patterns in Old Styles, was one of a small group of purchase prizes made by the J. Willard Marriott Library’s Special Collections. MFA Graduate Islam Aly, and MFA Candidates Candida Pagan, Steph Rue, and Matt Runkle presented at the Student Lightning Round, one of the most lively and interesting presentations at the Conference. MFA Candidates Radha Pandey and Kimberly Maher gave a demonstration, “Animating the Page,” using watermarks, animation software, and kinetic electric wire techniques.
UICB MFA students, Matt Runkle, Lexi Janizec and Kalmia Strong each gave talks at a panel entitled “Out of the Copy Machine, Into the Streets: Where Zines Confront Artist’s Books” and MFA student Karen Carcia and recent graduates Amelia Bird and Lee Marchalonis gave a panel presentation entitled “Space & Specimen, Muse & Museum: The Artist’s Book as a Site of Creation & Collection.” Faculty member Julie Leonard gave a talk, “(Re-)New Views: Innovations in Bookbinding Structure” on a panel discussing Innovations in Book Art Production. Three UICB students took advantage of the Portfolio Reviews, which both they and their reviewers found wholly edifying. All in all a great adventure topped with the Polar Vortex and a host of travel challenges.
UICB Faculty, Current Students, and alumni who participated in the 2014 College Book Art Association Conference
CBAA Juried Members’ Exhibition 2014: Presentation, Publication, Installation
Islam Aly,* Student Exhibition Award & Travel Award
Elizabeth Boyne*
Anne Covell
Jill Kambs
Sara Langworthy,* Purchase Prize
Julie Leonard*
Radha Pandey*
Steph Rue,* Student Exhibition Award
CBAA Emerging Educator Award
Tatiana Ginsberg*
CBAA Conference Presenters
Amelia Bird
Karen Carcia
Lexi Janezic
Edwin Jager
Julie Leonard
Kim Maher
Lee Marchalonis
Radha Pandey
Matt Runkle
John O. Smith
Kalmia Strong
CBAA Student Lightening Round
Candida Pagan
Matt Runkle
Steph Rue
*Conference Attendees
additional attendees:
Thomas Helmers
Andrea Kohashi
Pamela Olson
Jocelyn Webb Pedersen
Sara Sauers (panel moderator)
Julie Cobb Smith
At the Annual Members’ Meeting, Outgoing CBAA Board Member and Executive Vice President Julie Leonard was honored for her service to the organization.