We are pleased to announce that Anne Covell, Pamela Olson, and Clare Jones are recipients of the annual Caxton Club grants awarded to graduate students in the book arts and book studies. The grants provide up to $2,500 for book related projects to be completed during the 2013-2014 academic year.
MFA candidate Anne Covell will create an artist's book and companion print series that will broadly address the politics of international boundaries and their effects upon the natural environments they inhabit. The project, titled "Borderline," will focus its attention upon the border shared between the United States and Canada, specifically the binational environment protected within the Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park that separates Montana from Alberta, and the 20 foot wide demarcated clearing that divides this otherwise unified park along its international boundary.
MFA candidate Pamela Olson will produce a letterpress-printed book in an edition of forty copies that will visually document multiple visits to the city of Prague over the last decade. The pacing of the book will be designed to mimic the act of walking and to convey the shifts in mood as one moves from neighborhood to neighborhood; from inner city to outskirts. The images will be printed from line drawings and accompanied by words and phrases printed from metal type.
MFA Writer’s Workshop student and UICB papermaking and lettering arts student Clare Jones will complete a book project that combines one of her own poems called “Edge” with the two books arts that most interest her: historical papermaking and historical scripts. “These two arts are very old, labor-intensive, and require great patience, and they will be the two arts I’ll practice as I make this book,” Jones says. “I plan to produce high-quality sheets of paper, size and burnish the sheets (in order to prepare them for calligraphy and illumination), execute the calligraphy and illuminations, and finally bind the completed pages together.”
For more details on the Caxton Club awards see http://www.caxtonclub.org/CaxtonGrantCall2013.pdf