Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Spring Semester 2013 Special Events

Presented by the UICB and collaborating departments

February 22, Friday, 4pm, 304 EPB

Jessica Pressman

American Council of Learned Societies Fellow and Visiting Scholar, UCSD Literature Department

"The Book is Not the Center: Between Page and Screen, Augmented Digital Poetics, and  New Literacies" 
Co-sponsors: UICB, English, Digital Studio for the Public Humanities

February 28th, Friday, Late Afternoon

Aaron Sinift

Washington DC-based artist who was formerly a UI student

Grinnell College gallery talk; lecture at the UI on his work.  Details TBA.

Co-sponsors: Asian and Slavic Languages/Literature, UICB, SAAH

March 8th, UICB Brownell Lecture on the History of the Book

Mini Symposium on Islamic Papermaking and Calligraphy

Jonathan Bloom and Sheila Blair

Art Building West, Auditorium 
            Lecture by Jonathan Bloom  
            Papermaking in the Lands of Islam  
            Followed by Q/A 
3:30-4:00pm Break; refreshments, and Islamic papermaking demonstration by Tim    Barrett and grad students 
            Lecture by Sheila Blair 
            Islamic Calligraphy and its Supports 
            Followed by Q/A

Co-sponsors: UICB, SAAH and History  

April 3rd, 2013, Wednesday, 4pm, Lecture

David Scott Kasten

"The Body of the Text," on the publication of Donne's poems

Also: April 4th, Thursday, 3-4pm

Discussion with UICB and SLIS faculty and grad students

Co-sponsors: the Philological Quarterly, English and the UICB

April 12 & April 13, Friday and Saturday

Midwest Guild of Bookworkers Conference 
Friday talk by Greg Prickman (To be confirmed) 
Saturday Workshops with Bexx Caswell and Peggy Johnston 
(Must be a member of the Midwest Chapter of the GBW to attend)

Co-sponsored by the UICB and the Midwest Chapter of the GBW