Elaine Treharne, Professor of English at Florida State University, is a major scholar of medieval English literature, familiar to many from her important Blackwell collection of primary texts, Old and Middle English: An Anthology (Blackwell, 2000; now in a third edition, 2009) and as co-editor of The Blackwell Companion to Old English Literature (Blackwell, 2001), Reading Medieval Literature (Oxford UP, 2005), and now The Oxford Handbook of Medieval Literature in English (Oxford UP, 2010). Her research centers on medieval manuscripts and she recently saw to completion a major multi-year research project, “The Production and Use of English Manuscripts, 1060-1220,” with the publication of a database conceived as an electronic book, http://www.le.ac.uk/ee/em1060to1220/. Her work on manuscripts as artifacts ties in with her past directing of Florida State University’s History of Text Technologies Program. An energetic scholar who has edited or co-edited some 19 books and written innumerable articles, her research on medieval manuscripts and their materiality will soon see publication in a major study, The Sensual Book, 400-1500
Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2-3:30 p.m.: Public Symposium on the Future of the Book
along with: James McCoy, Director, UI Press,
Gary Frost, Conservator, UI Libraries,
Greg Prickman, UI Special Collections,
Moderated by Matt Brown, UICB/English
in UI Libraries conference room, Main Library, 2054 LIB
Wednesday, Oct. 19, 3:30-5 p.m.: public lecture: “Medieval Books: Materialist Aesthetics”
Thursday, Oct. 20, 5-6:30 p.m.: public lecture: “The Uses and Dangers of the Digital”