Andrew David King (Provost's Visiting Writer and Visiting Assistant Professor in English & Creative Writing) and Amy Childress (MFA candidate at the University of Iowa Center for the Book and MA candidate at the School of Library and Information Sciences) are excited to announce a new, biannual reading series that marks the beginning of a formal collaboration of the Writers' Workshop and the Center for the Book.
The series is called Diptych: A Book Artists' & Writers' Reading Series. The first event will be held next Thursday, October 24 at 6:30 PM in the Frank Conroy Reading Room. UICB MFA candidates Katharine DeLamater, India Johnson, and Colleen Lawrence will read from and show their work, as will Writers' Workshop affiliates Bri Postlewait, Ethan Heusser, and Andrew David King.
The event will open with an opportunity for audience members to directly view/handle the artists' books that will be read from. Each artist/writer will read from/discuss/perform their work for a short time and offer some insights into their processes. A brief Q&A and reception will follow.