Julia Büttelmann’s objects designed in cardboard are small productions ‘of a somewhat different taste’. (From the Berlin newspaper Berliner Zeitung). The artist cultivates the supposedly banal material of cardboard by removing its conventionality with the unexpected in a most artistic manner. Continuing the tradition of bookbinding with perfect workmanship she goes beyond this and combines ideas and materials to arrive at scurrile but aesthetic forms of expression.
Julia will present a talk at 3:30pm on Thursday June 21st in UICB papermaking room 29 North Hall on her most recent work about artificial collections and her conversion of domestic items.
Julia Büttelmann, born in 1961 in Bremen, Germany, is a master bookbinder. She teaches bookbinding in Berlin at the Volkshochschule in Berlin and for 20 years she has produced her own artwork and custom boxes for art transport in her studio in Berlin, Kreuzberg. She has traveled abroad and has shown her work in numerous exhibitions winning a number of awards, including the first prize in the Berlin Regional Competition for Handicraft Design. Her work is part of the collections in the Kunstgewerbe Museum Berlin, Grassimuseum Leipzig and Landesmuseum Stuttgart. Her website is at http://pappshow.de