Animate the Page: Pop-Ups and Movable Structures - a workshop with Shawn Sheehy
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Kolarik Book Studio, 16NH
Bring dimension and life to your artist book! This one-day workshop will show you how pop-up and movable structures work together to create a sense of animation. You will assemble a sequence of increasingly complex structures and leave with a collection of samples that can be used for further study and practice.
Beginners are encouraged.
Nationally recognized artist Shawn Sheehy combines paper engineering with an interest in biology and cultural evolution to produce sculptural pop-up books. Shawn has taught workshops at PBI, Penland, the Centers for Book Arts in Chicago and New York, and many other venues across the U.S. His commercial pop-up clients include the American Girl Co., American Greetings and Pee-Wee Herman.” A trade edition of his pop-up book “Welcome to the NeighborWood” will be released by Candlewick in 2015.
Workshop Fee: $75.00
To register: contact Julie Leonard at julia-leonard@uiowa.edu
Sponsored by The Book Arts Club and The UI Center for the Book