Join us for Iowa Bibliophiles with guest speaker Cheryl Jacobsen!
"What a Scribe Notices, Up-close and Personal"
Come learn about the beauty and precision of calligraphy from one of the best. Cheryl Jacobsen is an artist/calligrapher and Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Center for the Book at the University of Iowa, where she teaches a range of courses in calligraphy and the lettering arts. She was a visiting faculty member for the 2015 NEH Summer Seminar The Materiality of Medieval Manuscripts: Interpretation Through Production. Jacobsen is author of "A Modern Scribe Views Scribes of the Past" in Scraped, Stroked, and Bound: Materially Engaged Readings of Medieval Manuscripts (Brepols, 2013).She also runs a freelance studio creating manuscript books, commercial lettering, documents and art for all sorts of people and organizations. Cheryl loves collaborations, materiality, expressive marks, teaching, and especially living in Iowa City where she can pursue all of those things on a regular basis.
Coffee and light refreshments will be available beginning at 6:30 pm, with the evening’s talk starting at 7:00 pm.
All Iowa Bibliophiles meetings are free and open to the public.
Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact Elizabeth Riordan at elizabeth-riordan@uiowa.edu in advance of the event.