Statement from Clara Reynen: When did you first learn about Palestine? I was a freshman in high school and had just moved to a brand new town, brand new school, brand new state. The first day of honors geometry I sat down next to a girl with wild hair and expressive hands. Liana. Liana, whose family took me in and showed me kindness. Told me stories about where they had come from. Pointed to maps on the walls and helped me try on hijabs. Told me I looked like a princess and I felt like one too.
Despite knowing a Palestinian family, I spent too many years passively knowing what was happening to their homeland but not acting. Not being loud, not speaking up. This last year and everything I have been doing has been my long act of apology. I was able to look away from the effects of settler-colonialism for far too long. No longer.
All are invited to come see some visual representations of the enormous and unspeakable damage done by our tax dollars, our complicity, perpetuated by our inaction.
The show is open from Oct. 13-19, with a reception on Oct. 18 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Members of Jewish Voice for Peace and Iowa City Action for Palestine will be present for a Q&A. There will also be educational materials available for folks who would like to learn more!